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Ce coffret inclus :

9 x 10ml roll-on vide

1 collier argenté fleur de vie

2 x 1 coffret en bois pour ranger 25 bouteilles d'huiles essentielles

1 x 150ml huile coco fractionnée

15ml vetiver, 15ml patchouli, 15ml petitgrain, 15ml romarin, 15ml citronnelle, 5 ml poivre noir, 5ml camomille romaine, 5ml baies de gennevrier, 15ml Mandarine verte, 15ml gaulthérie, 15ml clou de girofle, 15ml orange sauvage, 5ml Narde himalaya, 15ml copaiba, 15ml sauge sclarée, 15ml encens, 15ml pin de Sibérie, 5ml Mélisse, 15ml géranium, 15ml eucalyptus, 15ml myrrhe, 15ml cannelle écorce, 10ml magolia, 10ml rose, 15ml cyprès, 5ml cardamone, 5ml Hélichryse, 5ml taniasie bleue, 5ml épinette noire, 15ml tea tree, 15ml thym, 15ml curcuma, 15ml ylang-ylang, 15ml lavande, 15ml tangérine, 15ml cedarwood, 15ml marjolaine, 10ml néroli, 5ml poivre rose, 15ml bergamote, 15ml menthe verte, 15ml basilic, 15ml gingembre, 15ml citron vert.

    2 210,00 CHF Prix original
    1 657,50 CHFPrix promotionnel
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